Monday, October 31, 2016

Work Log for the Week of 10/24

Monday: Recording
Tuesday: Recording
Wednesday: Checking Audio Resources
Thursday: Creating Graphics
Friday: Creating Graphics

Work Log for the Week of 10/17

Monday: Marking Period Checkups
Tuesday: Marking Period Checkups
Wednesday: Testing New Jhin Build, preparing to upload.
Thursday: Marking Period Checkups
Friday: Marking Period Checkups

Investigation Post - SunnySplosion

SunnySplosion is a YouTuber who creates League of Legends content. She records gameplay with friends, edits said gameplay, and then posts it online. She occasionally streams gameplay, usually with the same friends. She frequently collaborates with other content creators to create her videos, and also works with a platform known as Team Checkpoint which functions as a platform for content creators to collaborate more easily.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Work Log for the Week of 10/10

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Updating LSI to LoL Replay, Reconfiguring
Wednesday: Recording Tests
Thursday: Recording Tests
Friday: Editing Test

Investigation Post - Imaqtpie

Imaqtpie is a former League of Legends pro player, who is now one of the most popular League of Legends players. His primary factor of entertainment is his consistently (albeit sarcastic) stating his skill at League of Legends, as well as his typically casual attitude. He is especially known for his style of talking and his catchphrase "Hell Yeah!". He has one of the best editors out there known as 2nd Sequence, who will upload his stream highlights to YouTube will a large quantity of editing to make the video even more humorous and entertaining.

Investigation Post - Scarra

Scarra is a former League of Legends pro known for his innovation in the early days of pro League, as well as his game knowledge and analysis. He typically entertains viewers simply due to the nature of his person, along with his skill as a player. He will upload Patch Analysis videos whenever Riot Games releases and update to League of Legends. He is known for his pro career on the now defunct Team Dignitas. Similarly to Rush, Scarra has an editor who will upload stream highlights to YouTube, but sometimes Scarra himself will stream on YouTube.

Investigation Post - Rush

Rush is a former League of Legends player turned streamer. He focuses mainly on playing to entertain viewers, and will frequently play characters where they shouldn't be played and winning with absurd builds due to his mechanical skill and sizeable gameplay knowledge. He is known for his pro careers with North America's Team Impulse and Cloud 9. His humor is more or less joking about how poorly the enemy team plays, messing with friends, or freaking out when he makes a bad mistake. He has an editor who posts stream highlights to YouTube.

Investigation Post - MagikarpUsedFly

MagikarpUsedFly is a YouTuber who creates content for League of Legends. He creates gameplay videos and also has a creative series known as "Actual Champion Spotlights", which parody the Champion Spotlights that are released by Riot Games to detail new champions. He is known for being a generally positive influence on the League community and tries to promote nontoxic behavior within the community. His humor tends to focus on freaking out about potentially broken mechanics or just making jokes with his friends.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

End of Marking Period

This marking period I have been working on editing and trying to record footage for League of Legends. For the most part I have just been figuring out how to use some effects in After Effects, and I have been trying to record my own footage, to mixed success. The biggest issue with recording footage off my own computer is that the resolution of the recording is odd, and the framerate is rather poor, often being really low or skipping. There is also the issue of recording the sound of my PC, which requires spending $15 a year, which, while rather low, is also a questionable decision depending on whether or not this program ends up working well. I have also been working on a script for a semi-comedic video spotlighting a Support Jhin build, which will feature primarily motion graphics, some of which are already completed.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Work Log for the Week of 10/3

Monday: Testing Screencast-O-Matic
Tuesday: Setting up LoL Replay
Wednesday: Music, Talk About Grades
Thursday: Music
Friday: No School

Monday, October 3, 2016

Work Log for the Week of 9/26

Monday: Accruing Spectator Data
Tuesday: Waiting For Guy to Fix Mac (Nothing Accomplished)
Wednesday: Sound Booth Testing
Thursday: Sound Booth Testing
Friday: Accruing Spectator Data